Seattle Fish Company is proud to source Desert Springs Barramundi from a land-based farm in Arizona. While the fish is native to Australia, the Barramundi is happily grown in Arizona due to the desert heat and ideal water temperature. Desert Springs showcases the innovation within the seafood industry to creatively think of how and where we can raise fish.
An Australian farm, Mainstream Aquaculture, shared the unique skills and technology of growing Barramundi with the local aquaculture industry of Southwest Arizona. Tad Smyth and his multi-generational farm was able to learn from Mainstream how to grow these Australian-native finfish. With the purchase of the Arizona site, Mainstream was able to form revolutionary farming practices to sustainably raise the Barramundi in the Arizona Desert.
The fish are grown in Agua Caliente which is a geothermally heated spring that allows the fish to be grown year round in constant warm-water temperatures. While Agua Caliente might differ from the rainforest/reef waters in Australia, the similarity in water temperature and salinity creates a parallel Barramundi.
Arizona fish facilities are categorized as either warm or cold. Trout, for example, would be cold while Barramundi prefers warm temperatures. Once known for its detoxifying hot springs, Agua Caliente is now the home of the freshest seafood in Arizona!
The water is salty because it is fed from the Colorado River Aquifer. The resulting food product has a succulent, buttery finish and excellent natural fat content. It is a delicious and versatile fish that can be used across a wide range of cuisines, dishes, and cooking styles with its naturally mild taste and light texture.
In addition to being delicious, Barramundi is a great product to try from SFC because of its small carbon footprint and low food miles. By taking an imported fish and instead domestically farming it, it shortens the supply chain and helps the environment. This product is harvested on demand and immediately ice chilled, prior to being shipped, ensuring the freshest and highest quality is arriving at Seattle Fish.
Fish farming or aquaculture has recently started to attract interest in Arizona. Aquaculture is generally recognized as a growth industry, and is seen as a fast-growing and lucrative sector by economists. While desert aquaculture is lesser known, its practice and potential is being actively explored.
Seattle Fish is grateful to have Desert Springs in our product catalog because it highlights the growth opportunities within aquaculture and pushes us to innovate new ideas and possibilities within the farming sector. If you’d like to learn more, talk to your sales rep!
With the climate change crisis at the forefront of media coverage and federal legislative priorities, Stronger America Through Seafood (SATS) recently sent a letter to President Biden requesting the Administration prioritize seafood production to help mitigate climate change. The letter was backed by findings from a commissioned report which aimed to explore how marine aquaculture fits into the larger conversation on climate change and was underwritten by Sea Pact, a sustainable seafood alliance co-founded by Seattle Fish Company.
“Through Sea Pact, Seattle Fish is pooling resources with other seafood distributors to have an impact on the things that will make a difference for all our futures,” said Hamish Walker, Seattle Fish Company’s Chief Sustainability and Development Officer. “There is no bigger issue facing us than climate change so we were really pleased to be able to help fund this research into the ways seafood, specifically aquaculture, can contribute to a lower carbon future. The evidence is clear that seafood production will need to play a core role in meeting our future nutritional needs, and the U.S. has an amazing opportunity to be a leader in this, if we choose.”
According to the United Nations, the world population is projected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050 compared to 7.7 billion in 2019. A report entitled “Creating a Sustainable Food Future” estimates that global demand for protein will also rise by an estimated 88 percent from 2020-2050. Combined, this creates an urgent need for scientists and political leaders to find more climate-friendly sources of protein to feed the growing population. There are many thoughts surrounding this issue, but those in the seafood community are urging the current administration to consider shifting toward seafood, particularly aquaculture, as one of the ways to solve this problem.
“If we are going to feed the growing world population, we must continue to advance the development of sustainable marine fish farming technologies,” said Dr. Kevan L. Main, Director of Mote Aquaculture Research Park. “Protein production from sustainable aquaculture systems is more efficient and less damaging to the environment than other animal protein production.”
What is Marine Aquaculture and Why Do We Need It?
Aquaculture is the controlled process of cultivating aquatic organisms, particularly for human consumption (think agriculture is to plants/livestock as aquaculture is to fish/seafood). The process is also referred to as fish farming (you’ve likely seen fish in your local supermarket labeled “farm-raised”).
According to Aquaculture Alliance, the primary responsibility of aquaculture is to efficiently complement sustainable, wild-caught fish options to increase the amount of seafood available worldwide. By 2030, they estimate that 62 percent of all seafood produced for human consumption will come from aquaculture, compared to 50 percent today.
How does Aquaculture Fit into the Climate Change Conversation?
The commissioned report by SATS, underwritten by Sea Pact, revealed several themes that demonstrate how aquaculture is healthy for our planet and its people and why it must be considered as a solution to mitigate climate change:
Well-managed marine aquaculture can produce protein from the ocean with low greenhouse gas emissions and no conversion of land.
Certain types of aquaculture, such as seaweed farming, also have the potential to sequester carbon and can be used to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Fish farming can provide other ecosystem services such as improving water quality, regulating ocean acidification, protecting coastlines, and providing habitat for other species.
There is potential for expansion of marine aquaculture, particularly in the United States.
“As our federal leaders seek innovative solutions to address the climate crisis, aquaculture, one of the most resource-efficient methods for protein production, should be considered as a tool to help feed our growing population responsibly while protecting our planet,” said Margaret Henderson, Campaign Manager of SATS. “Through federal action, the Administration and Congress can establish a clear, regulatory pathway for permitting offshore aquaculture that would support a sustainable seafood future, increase the resiliency of our food systems and create new jobs in communities nationwide.”
When Kelly Haugen and Erica Tardiff first met James Iacino, Executive Chairman of Seattle Fish Company, they were CSU students with a vision to create a positive global impact on biodiversity and aquaculture. Two years later, with the help of a grant from SFC, they’ve developed that vision into a company, Nobilis Aqua, and recently launched their first product, The Nobilis Aqua Growout (Trout) Feed.
The Nobilis Aqua Growout Feed is formulated on a foundation of responsibly-sourced invasive Asian Carp meal. After many rounds of research and development, they’ve simplified the feed down to only a handful of ingredients in order to maximize fishmeal protein efficiency, making it perfect to maximize weight gain of trout while not compromising nutritional health.
“There are some amazing sustainable solutions being developed throughout the aquaculture feed industry right now,” said Haugen. “With feeds trending towards plant-based and insect-based products, we felt there was still a strong opportunity to innovate around new fishmeal protein alternatives not regularly seen in the market.”
According to the USDA, aquaculture is defined as “the production of aquatic organisms under controlled conditions throughout part or all of their lifecycle”. You’ve likely seen fish labeled “farm-raised” at your local grocery store or seafood market, meaning that fish is a product of aquaculture. NOAA’s FishWatch states that approximately half of the seafood eaten in the world is farm-raised.
Though aquaculture and farm-raised seafood have occasionally garnered a negative reputation due to the resources needed to raise farmed fish, companies like Nobilis Aqua are passionately working to make a positive impact on the industry. This is the main reason that Nobilis’ Growout Feed is made using Asian Carp, which is an invasive species of fish causing issues in Kentucky Lake, amongst other areas in the United States.
“In my graduate studies, I wanted to marry my knowledge of aquatic biology to business practices and needs in the aquaculture industry,” says Tardiff. “Nobilis Aqua focuses on creating an aquafeed that is sustainable and found that replacing the traditionally-used wild caught ocean fish with invasive Asian Carp made a whole lot of sense both nutritionally and environmentally.”
A compelling case can be made for growing more seafood in the United States, according to FishWatch. Demands for healthy seafood products are increasing every year as stocks of wild-caught seafood are dwindling. The United States imports 90 percent of its seafood, half of which is from aquaculture, contributing to the trade deficit. Yet only 5 percent of our seafood supply is from freshwater and marine aquaculture within the US, according to NOAA Fisheries.
Kermit Krantz of Frontier Trout Ranch
Frontier Trout Ranch is part of the 5% hoping to create growth within the domestic aquaculture industry. The Krantz family-run ranch has raised premium Colorado trout on 163 acres in the San Luis Valley since 2013. The ranch, managed by Kermit Krantz, “blends tried and true aquaculture techniques with the sustainability of a single-source, closed water system in order to grow superior, fresh, natural fish”.
When Haugen and Tardiff were searching for a company that would allow them to test their trout feed – in the midst of a global pandemic – they reached out to Krantz, who is considered a pioneer in modern, clean, sustainable fish farming techniques. Interested in Nobilis’ product, but also feeling the impact of restaurant closures during the pandemic, Krantz saw an opportunity to partner with Seattle Fish both for greater access to retail and wholesale and to financially contribute to Nobilis’ growing company.
Even under the pressure of the pandemic, Krantz did not want to compromise Frontier’s commitment to sustainability and innovation. Knowing that Seattle Fish has similar values, Krantz pitched Derek Figueroa, CEO & President of Seattle Fish Co., the idea of using this feed on his farm, its benefits in sustainability, and how SFC could assist by issuing a small grant to Nobilis and pre-purchasing feed.
“This is such a unique opportunity and allows Seattle Fish to deliver on our Leadership Aspiration to Lead the Growth of Sustainable Seafood Consumption,” says Derek Figueroa. “Marrying an innovative feed startup, a western slope fish farmer, Seattle Fish and our customers into one common goal and objective is something we take enormous pride in. Ultimately, our investment was a no-brainer. Partnerships like these are how we will continue to create innovation in the industry.”
Though it was a risk to use Nobilis’ feed on Frontier’s all-natural trout farm, especially in a time where farmers, distributors and restaurants across the world suffered due to the consequences of the pandemic, the risk has so far produced great results.
“Most feeds you come across have 50+ ingredients,” said Krantz on a recent visit to Seattle Fish to deliver trout, “but Nobilis’ product only has a handful. That was one of the first things that intrigued me about their feed, in addition to the use of invasive Asian Carp. Another was that the feed floats, but honestly, even if it did sink, I don’t think the trout would let it… They eat it so quickly!”
“The trout are growing like crazy, too,” Krantz continued. “Though this feed may be a tad bit pricier, it’s paying for itself tenfold when you take into consideration how quickly the trout are growing. They can be harvested faster, which cuts down on the amount of feed we need to use over time. I hope we can get more fish farmers to start using this product!”
Exciting Changes Ahead for Seattle Fish Co. & Lombardi Brothers Meats
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news about the future of Seattle Fish Company and Lombardi Brothers Meats. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with exceptional products and services, we have a major initiative underway: Lombardi Brothers Meats will be relocating its operations to our Seattle Fish warehouse at 6211 E 42nd Avenue.
This transition is targeted for completion by November 4th. By integrating our operations, we will be able to offer you a combined meat and seafood selection at lower costs with even faster response times, ensuring we continue to meet and exceed your expectations.
As part of the transition to our new location, Lombardi Brothers Meats will be temporarily shutting down operations fromNovember 1st-3rd, with production resuming on November 4th. To ensure you have everything you need, we encourage you to place orders early for any non-stocked Lombardi items. This will help us fulfill your requests in advance and minimize any disruptions.
If you have any questions, or need assistance in placing orders, please contact your sales representative or send us a message at