The annual SQF (Safe Quality Food) audit recently happened at Seattle Fish Co. and we passed at the highest level of food safety certification for the 10th year in a row. In December of 2013, we proudly earned our Level 3 SQF certification and have been recertified each year by an auditor. SQFI is the leading global food safety and quality certification and is known to have a rigorous standard.
SFC employees Ken Boyer and Kevin Fread are certified by SQF to monitor food safety, quality assurance and quality control of our products. Auditors and our team track each step in the supply chain (i.e. time and temperature of product at cold storage before getting on a truck headed to Denver), product upon receiving, and monitoring conditions when fish is in house.
The thorough attention given to each step of the supply chain ensures quality & trusted product is being delivered to our customers.
See below for the history of SQF starting at Seattle Fish back in 2012!