Bee Squared honey is produced from honey bees that have not been chemically treated. Locally produced honey is better for you and for your environment. Bee Squared offers honey from hives located in Boulder, Larimer, and Weld Counties in Colorado. Trust and support your local beekeeper.
Available varieties include:
Honey, Clover – 5 lb.
Honey, Alfalfa – 5 lb.
Honey, Orange – 5 lb.
Honey, Comb – 12 per case
Beth started out like most beekeepers- with 2 hives. She began producing more honey than her family could consume.
It was not long, however, before 2 turned into 4 and 4 turned into 10 and 10 to 25. It was time for her to sell honey.
Bee Squared now has 60 hives and has expanded our beekeeping and honey distribution operations to provide honey to a host of retail, wholesale and institutional accounts along the Front Range of Colorado.
Bee Squared honey is produced from honey bees that have not been chemically treated for varroa. Since mites reproduce faster than bees they quickly adapt to chemical controls; bees suffer from this practice. We do not take our bees to California for almond pollination either. Our bee losses exceed the national average of 42%. If 42% is the national average with chemical controls for varroa, that too is unsustainable. Price should be but one consideration in the purchase of food. How that food is raised and prepared should also be part of the purchasing decision. Bee Squared believes it provides the best value for your honey dollar.
Bee Squared Apiaries’s Rose Honey was named a 2016 Good Food Awards Winner! for its Infused Honey category.