Monthly Archives: November 2015

Deep-Set Buoy Gear for Sword Fishing

Seattle Fish Co. is dedicated to improving the sustainability of our fisheries and health of our oceans is vital to securing seafood for generations to come.  The most recent initiative that came to our attention is the lobbying effort around “deep-set buoy gear” for sword fishing.  Seattle Fish Co. eagerly signed a letter of support. The goal is to obtain 250 signatures on this letter to help influence the Pacific Fishery Management Council to permits the use of this new gear type for sword fishing.  The deep set buoy fishing method is an alternative to drift nets, which are both indiscriminate and harmful. The first round of research around this new method proved to be very promising.  A second round of research was just approved.
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Want to help support the cause? Your organization can sign the letter as well!
To learn more about the research and this new fishing method, head over to PIERs website.